Jewish Learning
"The Jewish nation is not a nation without Torah."
"God: I have inscribed Myself and given it to you"
"God peered into the Torah and created the universe"
"Torah is our life and the length of our days."
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Serving learning centers in over 1,800 communities and on the internet, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) is the world's preeminent provider of Jewish learning.
An aha! moment in every lesson.
JLI's mission is to make Jewish learning accessible and personally meaningful to every Jew, regardless of background or affiliation. JLI's insightful curricula utilizes cutting-edge pedagogic techniques, embracing the multiple intelligence model and utilizing multimedia and an array of approaches to engage, educate, and inspire all kinds of minds in a dynamic Jewish learning experience.

Founded in 1998, JLI's flagship program continues to operate in over 600 locations worldwide offering three accredited courses per year on an array of topics including Jewish ethics, Jewish mysticism and philosophy, Jewish history and culture, and Jewish belief and practice. JLI's courses are accredited for continuing legal and medical education and all courses offer CEU credits.

Torah Studies is a weekly text-based Torah study program offered in 275 cities on six continents. Torah Studies was founded in 2004 to provide instructors with well-researched, in-depth classes on the weekly Torah portion. Torah Studies enables students of all backgrounds to gain a true appreciation of cardinal Jewish beliefs and practices.

The Rosh Chodesh Society (RCS) is a global initiative that aims to transform the lives of Jewish women, their families, and their greater communities through the bonds of shared Jewish experience. Through an international network of women scholars, leaders, and educators, RCS provides cutting-edge adult education in tandem with monthly cultural and social programs.

Sinai Scholars Society integrates the study of classic Jewish texts, social programming, and national networking opportunities to provide a fresh and exciting context for Jewish life and learning on the university campus. Sinai Scholars invites students to engage in an open community of study and self-discovery that will help them to become passionate, informed Jewish leaders on campus and in their respective communities.

Established in 2006, JLI's annual National Jewish Retreat has been dubbed "the Jewish event of the year," offering five days of luxury and learning and an unprecedented over 150 sessions with forty of the world's leading Jewish personalities. Participants get to mingle with renowned speakers, scholars, and authors as they enjoy first-class gourmet cuisine and 5-star accommodations in an immersive Jewish experience.

Established in 2008, JLI's luxurious biennial Israel experience offers an inspiring taste of the land of our heritage for dozens of communities across North America and around the globe. Participants don't just get see the land, they learn about the places they visit and capture a taste of its soul. Infused with genuine Chabad warmth and spirit, participants encounter Israel's modern heroes, soldiers, prominent politicians, newsmakers, and some of the greatest kabalists and Torah giants of our time.