Women in the Synagogue


Judaism is not synagogue based, 90% of observance is in the home. If the synagogue is the only arena exposed to then it could appear that that is all there is.
Mrs. Rivkah Slonim describes 14 commandments that women are excused from due to their responsibilities in making the proper abode for G-d in the world.


Total Immersion: Thoughts on Mikvah From the Deep


In this session, Mrs. Slonim addresses the many misconceptions that shroud the laws of mikvah and family relations, and in a frank manner discusses how this system affects marriage and intimacy. This session is for women who have never even considered visiting the mikvah, as well as for those who have used the mikvah regularly.


The Mikvah Ritual


Many people have questions about the practice of using the mikvah and keeping the laws of “Family Purity”. How important is it to use an actual mikvah? Why won’t a bathtub or swimming pool work? Do the details of the ritual really matter? Join Mrs. Sarah Karmely for a look into the profounds depths of the mikvah ritual.


Reclaiming Mikvah in the Postmodern Age


“Reclaiming Mikvah in the Postmodern Age” is a talk given by Mrs. Rivkah Slonim as part of a fast-paced session called “Ten Talks” featuring 10 short powertalks from 10 inspiring speakers, showcasing important ideas that change attitudes, lives, and, ultimately, the world.
