RCS Adar Rishon – The Woman in the Moon

Leap years hold a special significance for women because women are associated with the moon, and in a leap year, we add an additional lunar month—Adar I. This underscores the fact that in a leap year, feminine energy is especially influential and especially potent. This lesson discusses the mechanics of the Jewish calendar, the uniqueness of a woman and the mysterious quality of femininity, and the relationship between the two.

A special sixty-minute lesson that expounds on the unique messages related to Adar Rishon from the RCS Course A reason to Celebrate

RCS Adar Rishon - The Woman in the Moon - Student Book

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Weight .25 lbs
Dimensions 11 x 8.5 x .2 in

Teacher's Manual, PowerPoint, Lesson Videos, Marketing Material, Instructor Recordings