תאריכים January-April 2015
שיעורים כוללים 6
מבנה הקורס

As parents, we worry about the well-being of our kids; about their future, and about our role in shaping it. In The Art of Parenting, we scale the challenges that face us as parents and explore timeless insights from Jewish wisdom to instill values, foster independence, and ensure the long-term success and emotional well-being of our children.

הירשמו כעת
פרטי הקורס

How do we keep our kids safe, while encouraging their independence? When should we motivate them by incentive, and when by establishing firm consequences? And how do we build their self-esteem to prepare them mentally and emotionally for the long road ahead?

In The Art of Parenting, we scale the challenges that face us as parents and explore timeless insights from Jewish wisdom to instill values, foster independence, and ensure the long-term success and emotional well-being of our children.



In joint sponsorship with the Washington School of Psychiatry (WSP)

Earn up to 15 CE credits from:
> The American Psychological Association (APA)
> The American Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
> The California Board of Behavioral Sciences (CBBS)

and up to 15 CE credits from:
> The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)



"The Art of Parenting offers parents an anchor and a light in a confusing sea of information. Based on the intersection of ancient text and modern theory, it creates an appreciation of what we have always known while helping us meet the challenges of parenting today."

Betsy Dolgin Katz, Ed.D.
Adjunct Professor, Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies and Gratz College, Author of The Adult Jewish Education Handbook and Reinventing Adult Jewish Learning

"Parents today are very much on their own; they receive little guidance on how to raise their children...JLI is offering a much needed resource that meets the concerns of the 21st century."

Paul A. Flexner, Ed.D.
Instructor in Educational Psychology, Georgia State University Co-Editor of What We NOW Know About Jewish Education

"Parents constantly walk a tight-rope, on the one hand keeping a firm handle on their children to maintain responsible behavior and instill strong values, and at the same time encouraging freedoms that are vital for the emergence of an independent adult. The Art of Parenting provides solid footing for parents as they embark on this challenging endeavor."

Dr. Marc N. Kramer
Executive Director, RAVSAK: The Jewish Community Day School Network
פרטי השיעור
Lesson 1 Parent, or "Peer Ant"

Do you relate to your child as a friend, or as an influential personality whom they admire and respect? How do you instill a reverence for authority and at the same time reinforce their emotional security?

Lesson 2 Be Firm, or Forgiving?

If you're too forgiving, your child may lack direction. If you're too strict, they may look elsewhere for support in their time of need. In this lesson, you'll examine the pros and cons of a plethora of parenting models to find a balanced approach.

Lesson 3 Grant Freedom, Responsibly

You know that to raise an independent child you cannot be overprotective. But how do you protect them from acting irresponsibly? At what point must you let go and trust them to make their own choices?

Lesson 4 Cultivate Healthy Self-esteem

Insecure children are bullied and bully others. How do you make sure that doesn't happen to your child? And what can you do to help them uncover their unique qualities and develop a confident self-image?

Lesson 5 Reward and Discipline, Effectively

Your child is acting up. What do you do? Praise and reproach are the carrot and stick of child rearing, but how do you respond when your kid just shuts down? How can you ensure that your words and actions communicate the right message and achieve the desired results?

Lesson 6 Impart a Toolkit for Life

The tools your child needs to succeed include a great education, strong values, and an identity they are proud of. What role does each parent play in providing these? And how can you help your child discover the joy in Judaism and a proud sense of Jewish identity?